Developing Secondary Vocational Education in Syria in the light of the Experience of China and Germany

  • Dr.Mohammad merza جامعة حماة
الكلمات المفتاحية: vocational education in Syria, educational development, vocational education in Germany and China



This research compares among secondary vocational education (VOC.ED) systems in Syria, China, and Germany to get benefit from Germany's and China's experience to develop secondary VOC.ED system in Syria. The research uses Bereday's comparative method to identify the similarities and differences between secondary VOC.ED systems in Syria, Germany, and China. The research provides some suggestions to develop secondary vocational education in Syria.

How to Cite
merza, D. (2022). Developing Secondary Vocational Education in Syria in the light of the Experience of China and Germany . Journal of Hama University , 5(8). Retrieved from
Department of Education