ji (( Evaluation of the effectiveness of saline solution temperature on complications of surgical impacted mandibular third molars extraction ))

الكلمات المفتاحية

Cold saline solution ، Surgical extractions، edema، bleeding، Warm saline solution lower third molars impacted.

How to Cite

Dabbagh, mohammad. (2024). ji (( Evaluation of the effectiveness of saline solution temperature on complications of surgical impacted mandibular third molars extraction )). Journal of Hama University , 6(18). Retrieved from https://hama-univ.edu.sy/ojs/index.php/huj/article/view/1658


(( Evaluation of the  effectiveness of saline solution temperature on complications of surgical impacted mandibular third molars extraction ))


The aim of this research is to evaluate the effect of the temperature of the perfusion fluid used during surgical extraction of the mandibular molars on postoperative complications (edema-pain-bleeding).


The study was contained of 60 impacted lower third molars existed in 30 patients (12 male + 18 female) who had two symmetric impacted lower third molars From Modified Brand rating. (20 Molars used a normal saline serum، 20 Molars used a cooled saline serum، 20 Molars used a warm saline serum)

Edema and pain were measured after one، tow and seven days. Bleeding was measured after 24 and 48 hours.  After that the data was statistically studied.


There was a significant difference in the edema variable (P<0.05) between the cooled saline serum and the normal saline serum، on the first and second days after surgery in favor of the cooled saline serum group. While the difference was not significant in the edema variable (P<0.05) between the cooled saline serum and the normal saline serum on the seventh day after surgery، The difference was not significant between the two methods in the variable of pain and bleeding (P < 0.05) during all the studied time periods. The study also showed that there was no significant difference in all variables، edema - pain - hemorrhage (P < 0.05) between warm saline serum and normal saline serum during all the studied time periods.


cooled saline serum affects when used in Surgical extractions of the lower third molars impacted on edema during the first few days following surgery only. It's no different in its effect on bleeding by comparing it with normal saline serum when used in these processes While the use of warm saline serum over normal saline serum did not differ in its effect on edema، bleeding and pain in the impacted mandibular third molar extraction operations during all the studied time periods. Therefore، it is preferable to use the cooled saline serum over the normal and warm saline serum in irrigation during the bone evacuation of the impacted lower third molars extraction.



Cold saline solution ، Surgical extractions، edema، bleeding، Warm saline solution lower third molars impacted.



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