The Effect of Adding Vitamin C to drinking Water In Some Biochemical Parameters Broiler Chickens by Heat stress
تأثير إضافة فيتامين C لماء الشرب في بعض المعايير الكيميا حيوية لفروج اللحم المعرض للإجهاد الحراري (العربية)

How to Cite

Hammouda, V. M., & Dabbagh, P. D. M. N. (2019). The Effect of Adding Vitamin C to drinking Water In Some Biochemical Parameters Broiler Chickens by Heat stress. Journal of Hama University , 1(10). Retrieved from


This study was carried out on ninety (90) one-day old unsexed

one of the commercial crossed of broiler chicken were used in this experiment which lasted for 45 days. This study which aimed to study the effect of adding different levels of Vitamin C in drinking water in some Biochemical Parameters Broiler Chickens by Heat stress.

The chicks were randomly  distributed into three groups each contained( 30) chicks. three groups were used as follows :

G1 Control No vitamin c added , G2 Adding 150mg vitamin c\Liter water , G3Adding 200mg vitamin c\Liter water , feed and water were Ad Libitum .

The results showed the significant increase (P <0.05) in the level of the total protein in the additive groupsG2,G3 when they were compared with the control group G1in the age35-45 days. And there were decrease significant(P <0.05) in the total cholesterol level in the additive groupsG2,G3 comparision with the group G1in the age35-45 days.

تأثير إضافة فيتامين C لماء الشرب في بعض المعايير الكيميا حيوية لفروج اللحم المعرض للإجهاد الحراري (العربية)