"An in-Vitro Study to Compare the Tensile Strength between Bulk Composite and Fiber Reinforced Bulk Composite"
"دراسة مخبرية لمقارنة قوة الشد بين الراتنج المركب الكتلي والراتنج المركب الكتلي المقوى بالألياف" (العربية)

How to Cite

رسلاند., & Dr. Atef Abdullah. (2024). "An in-Vitro Study to Compare the Tensile Strength between Bulk Composite and Fiber Reinforced Bulk Composite". Journal of Hama University , 6(10). Retrieved from https://hama-univ.edu.sy/ojs/index.php/huj/article/view/1458


To compare the tensile strength between bulk composite and fiber reinforced bulk composite.

This study included 30 newly extracted upper premolars for orthodontic reasons, were randomly divided into two groups according to the restored material in the following order: Group1 (n=15): Bulk composite (Tetric® N-Ceram Bulk Fill, Ivoclar  Vivadent, USA), and Group2 (n=15): Fiber reinforced bulk composite (Polydentia, Switzerland). The cusps were removed from the entire premolars of the sample using diamond disc (Horico, Germany) so that the dentin surface became exposed. The premolars were fixed on acrylic molds with fixed dimensions 2.5 cm × 2.5 cm × 2.5 cm so that the root is embedded in the acrylic mold. A metal mold was made for the research, containing in its center a cylindrical cavity with dimensions: 3 mm in diameter and 4 mm in height, then it was placed on the surfaces of all the samples to compact the resin within the central cavity according to the distribution of the groups. The samples were prepared for testing after making a hole in the restorative material and placing an ss orthodontic wire with a thickness 0.3 mm in it so that it could be fixed within the device, then they were transferred to the universal testing machine (Testometric AX 114, Universal Testing Machine), and each of them was subjected to a tensile strength test after the moving head of the device was set a speed of 1 mm\ min until failure occurred.  

Results were statistically analyzed using Student's t-test. It was showed that there were statistically significant differences between the two different study groups (p< 0.05).  The values of tensile strength in the fiber reinforced bulk composite group were higher than in the bulk composite group.

"دراسة مخبرية لمقارنة قوة الشد بين الراتنج المركب الكتلي والراتنج المركب الكتلي المقوى بالألياف" (العربية)