Enhancement Of Adaptive Routing Protocol In Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN) Based-On Ant Colony Algorithm

  • Eng. Margret Dabaj
  • Dr. Eng. Mothanna ALkubeily


Wireless Body Area Network is one of the most important research in WSN fields regarding their applications in remote monitoring for patient. QoS requirements are very crucial to evaluate the medical sensed data accurately and currently. It has been studied ADAPTVE ROUTING PROTOCOL WBN which is adaptive to the changes in the environment. It is robust, adaptive and could be developed into the future. Another protocol is Simple Stable Routing Protocol which the Data has been sent via a forwarder in each round, the aim is to enhance the nodes energy.

On the other hand, Nature conducts us to deepen the study of the ant colonies which are one of the Swarm Intelligence (SI) features. In order to develop the Adaptive routing protocol for WBAN; the routing decision is constructed depending on the decentralized, indirect collaboration between ants. In this paper, we introduce a developing routing protocol based on ant colony algorithm to find the shortest path to send the biological values; Temperature, SaO2, Heart rate, Pressure and Electrocardiogram E.K.G; to a sink and saves the values of  QoS parameters

The results refer to a high performance of the routing protocol and save good values of QoS such like residual energy for nodes and network life as a sequence, tiny end to end delay. Finally good path loss value but suffering from higher values compared with some previous protocols.

How to Cite
Dabaj, E. M., & ALkubeily, D. E. M. (2021). Enhancement Of Adaptive Routing Protocol In Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN) Based-On Ant Colony Algorithm. Journal of Hama University , 4(4). Retrieved from https://hama-univ.edu.sy/ojs/index.php/huj/article/view/574
Engineering Department