An Vitro Study To Comparative Microleakage of Class II Restoration Between With Bulk-fill Resin And Conventional Composite Resin
دراسة مخبرية لمقارنة التسرب الحفافي المجهري في ترميمات حفر الصنف الثاني بين الراتنج المركب الكتلي والتقليدي (العربية)

How to Cite

Beshr alrass, D. M., & Abdullah, D. (2021). An Vitro Study To Comparative Microleakage of Class II Restoration Between With Bulk-fill Resin And Conventional Composite Resin. Journal of Hama University , 3(15). Retrieved from


The Aim of this study Comparative between marginal microleakage of Class II cavities restored with bulk-fill resin and conventional composite resin Materials and Methods: class II cavities was prepared in 40 extracted human sound premolars were selected. The overall dimensions and depth of the cavities were standardized as follow:4 mm length occlusocervically, 3 mm width buccolingually and 2 mm depth axially, divided into two groups of 20. Group 1 incrementally filled with Tetric N Ceram .Group 2 was filled with Tetric-N-Ceram bulk-fill composite in one layer. The samples were thermocycled for 500 cycles between 5-55°C. The samples were incubated for 24 hours and then immersed in 1% methylene blue dye. All samples were mesiodistally sectioned and degree of microleakage scored under a light microscope. The data were analyzed using Mann Whitney test  .

The results showed significant difference among two groups In terms of microleakage,the microleakage in bulk – fill was more than conventional resin composite ,microleakage in occlusal margins was greater than that in gingival margins.

دراسة مخبرية لمقارنة التسرب الحفافي المجهري في ترميمات حفر الصنف الثاني بين الراتنج المركب الكتلي والتقليدي (العربية)