Study the effect of HACCP application on reducing the levels of chemical and microbial contamination in the Syrian food industry
دراسة تأثير تطبيق نظام HACCP على خفض نسب التلوث الكيميائي والميكروبي في صناعة الغذاء السورية (العربية)

How to Cite

Chikh Osman, D. E. J., & AlHelu, D. O. (2021). Study the effect of HACCP application on reducing the levels of chemical and microbial contamination in the Syrian food industry. Journal of Hama University , 3(12). Retrieved from


Food is an important and critical element for the requirements of life for humans, and its specificity stems from its direct impact on health and its cause of diseases, which may be fatal sometimes. In light of industrial progress and massive quantitative production, food sensitivity has increased, as the defect may harm thousands before its discovery and work. To control it
All of the above has made it necessary to find ways and means to protect the consumer from potential food hazards, which necessitated finding methods to protect the food from the possibility of contamination. These methods include the Hazard Analysis And Critical Control Points HACCP system, which is a system for controlling production in the food industry.
In this research, the effect of applying the HACCP system on the food establishment under study was studied by studying the establishment's status before and after the implementation of the HACCP system, where a study and evaluation of the status of the facility under study was done and identifying weaknesses and potential risks of food contamination before applying the HACCP system Then the HACCP system was applied and then the state of the facility under study was studied and evaluated after the HACCP system was applied and a significant improvement was observed in the establishment's situation in terms of reduced risk of chemical and biological contamination potential.

دراسة تأثير تطبيق نظام HACCP على خفض نسب التلوث الكيميائي والميكروبي في صناعة الغذاء السورية (العربية)