Assessment of the Efficacy of Quick Fix Appliance on the Maxillary Joint with a Splint Attached to the Mandibular in the Treatment of Skeletal Class III Malocclusion Cases
تقييم فعالية جهاز المصحح السريع على الفك العلوي بالمشاركة مع جبيرة ملصقة على الفك السفلي في معالجة حالات الصنف الثالث الهيكلي من سوء الإطباق (العربية)

How to Cite

Al-Sabbagh, D., & Al-Sabbagh, P. (2020). Assessment of the Efficacy of Quick Fix Appliance on the Maxillary Joint with a Splint Attached to the Mandibular in the Treatment of Skeletal Class III Malocclusion Cases. Journal of Hama University , 3(10). Retrieved from


This  clinical trial aimed to evaluate the soft ,dental and hard tissue changes after treatment using the Quick Fix Appliance on the maxillary joint with a splint attached  to the mandibule.

in this study ,16 patients (8 male,8 female)  suffering from skeletal class ΙΙΙ were included .We applied two bands and four brackets on the upper arch, after ended from the alignment and leveling stage , the Components of Quick Fix appliance were applied on the maxillary and the splint attached was applied on the  mandibular at the same time. Three lateral cephalometric radiographs were taken in three different time ;T1 Pretreatment,T2 after active treatment,T3 after 15 month of treatment beginning.

Resuts of this study were showed an improvement in the relationship between the jaws, where the ANB angle increased significanty from the statistical, and the value of the Wits appraisal increased  significant in the second time of treatment.

This clinical trial showed that effectiveness of the  Quick Fix Appliance on the maxillary Joint with a splint attached to the mandibular in causing skeletal changes, where the ANB angle improved by 1.94 degree

تقييم فعالية جهاز المصحح السريع على الفك العلوي بالمشاركة مع جبيرة ملصقة على الفك السفلي في معالجة حالات الصنف الثالث الهيكلي من سوء الإطباق (العربية)