دمشق -جامعة دمشق- قسم طب أسنان الأطفال
استخدام مقياس دندي للبيئة التربوية الجاهزة (DREEM) لتقييم البيئة التعليمية في كلية طب الأسنان بجامعة دمشق (العربية)

How to Cite

Dashash, M. (2021). دمشق -جامعة دمشق- قسم طب أسنان الأطفال. Journal of Hama University , 3(15). Retrieved from https://hama-univ.edu.sy/ojs/index.php/huj/article/view/391


Background: The educational environment has a great impact on students’ performance and their outcomes. Concerns have been expressed in the Faculty of Dentistry regarding the deterioration of educational environment because of Syrian crisis. Materials and Methods: the DREEM measure has been used for measuring the educational environment in undergraduate dental students in the Faculty of Dentistry, Damascus University. Online Arabic questionnaire designed by Google forms with 50 items, has been developed. Results: About 59 dental students were included in the study in which 61% were males and 39% were females. The total mean DREEM score was 80.89 out of 200 indicating that the perception towards educational environment was negative rather than positive. The mean score of SPL was 14.5/ 48. The mean score of SPT was 18.033 /44. The SASP was 16.81/ 32. The mean score of SPA was 19.169/48. The mean score of SSSP was 12.83/ 28. Conclusion: It is important for the academic and administrative staff to help in decreasing students' stress experienced in dental learning and training and to provide supportive and warm environment. This would be an essential task for optimal learning and future professional life of students as well as for their personal psychosomatic and social well-being.

استخدام مقياس دندي للبيئة التربوية الجاهزة (DREEM) لتقييم البيئة التعليمية في كلية طب الأسنان بجامعة دمشق (العربية)


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