Clinical and Radioraphic Study to Investigate the Effect of Platelet-rich Fibrin Membranes (PRF) Application in Iatrogenic Exposure of the Dental Pulp:
دراسة سريرية وشعاعية لتحري تأثير تطبيق أغشية الفيبرين الغني بالصفيحات (PRF) في تدبير الانكشاف العرضي للب السن (العربية)

How to Cite

Rastanawi, D., & Alhalabiah, A. H. (2020). Clinical and Radioraphic Study to Investigate the Effect of Platelet-rich Fibrin Membranes (PRF) Application in Iatrogenic Exposure of the Dental Pulp:. Journal of Hama University , 2(9). Retrieved from


Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) membranes in iatrogenic exposure of the dental pulp as a partial pulpotomy agent in permenant teeth. Material and Methods: In this study, 20 permenant teeth from 20 healthy patients aged 12-18 years with exposed pulps were randomly divided into two groups. 1) Experimental group (n=10): after removal of 1-2 mm of pulp and hemostasis, exposed pulp was covered with PRF membrane then a layer of mineral trioxide aggregate cement (MTA) was applied. 2) control group (n=10): after removal of 1-2 mm of pulp and hemostasis, the exposed pulp was covered with MTA. All teeth were restored with glass - ionomer cement and composite resin. Clinical and radioraphic evaluation was undertaken at (3, 6, and 12) months intervals. The results were analyzed using appropriate statistical tests.

Results: All teeth responded positively to pulp sensibility tests, and radiographic examination revealed dentinal bridge formation and absence of periapical pathosis in both groups during follow-up periods.

Conclusion: Clinical and radiological findings showed that the possibility of PRF membrane for partial pulpotomy in cases of iatrogenic exposure of the dental pulp because of its active bio-structure, which could open up future perspectives in maintaining the vitality of the dental pulp.

دراسة سريرية وشعاعية لتحري تأثير تطبيق أغشية الفيبرين الغني بالصفيحات (PRF) في تدبير الانكشاف العرضي للب السن (العربية)