Effect of Local Application of Simvastatin after , Posterior Mandibular Extraction, on Soft Tissues Healing and Protection from Dry Socket
تأثير التطبيق الموضعي للسيمفاستاتين بعد القلع في المنطقة الخلفية للفك السفلي في شفاء النسج الرخوة و الوقاية من التهاب السنخ الجاف (العربية)

How to Cite

Salem, S., & Sabe Alarab, M. (2020). Effect of Local Application of Simvastatin after , Posterior Mandibular Extraction, on Soft Tissues Healing and Protection from Dry Socket. Journal of Hama University , 2(9). Retrieved from https://hama-univ.edu.sy/ojs/index.php/huj/article/view/261


The increasing desire of patients to obtain their prosthetics as soon as possible has led researchers to work on ways and materials that contribute to enhancement and acceleration of the healing of the alveolar after extraction, as well as prevent the occurrence of complications that delay the healing process .

Aims of research:

Evaluation the effect of local application of simvastatin after , posterior mandibular extraction, on soft tissue healing and protection from Dry Socket

Materials and methods:

The study included 60 cases of simple extraction of lower molars the sample was randomly divided into three equal groups:

In the first group ,gelatin sponge soaked in simvastatin 10 mg was applied in the socket ,and only gelatin sponge was applied in the socket in the second study group. The third group was control group ( the socket was left to heal spontaneously). Patients were clinically monitored after 2,7,30 days to assess the degree of healing.

Results: it seemed like the healing was faster and better  in first group(gelatin sponge soaked in simvastatin 10 mg ) , no  statistically significant differences between the three groups  about incidence of dry socket.

تأثير التطبيق الموضعي للسيمفاستاتين بعد القلع في المنطقة الخلفية للفك السفلي في شفاء النسج الرخوة و الوقاية من التهاب السنخ الجاف (العربية)