Obstacles to applying administrative creativity by kindergarten Principals in Lattakia city from their point of view

  • رزان نصور جامعة طرطوس
  • نجوى خضر خضر
  • Dr. Nayfeh Ali
الكلمات المفتاحية: administrative creativity, obstacles to administrative creativity


The aim of the research is to identify the important obstacles to the application of administrative creativity from the point of view of private kindergarten principals in the city of Lattakia, and the descriptive approach was used. The research community consisted of all kindergarten principals in the city of Lattakia for the year (2022), and the study sample consisted of (65) principals, and the research used a questionnaire consisting of (43) The research is a questionnaire consisting of (43) items distributed over three areas, and the research reached the following results: 1- There are obstacles to administrative creativity from the point of view of private kindergarten principals at a moderate degree، and the organizational obstacles came in the first place, followed by the environmental obstacles, and in the last place the personal obstacles
2-There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the study sample's responses to the questionnaire as a whole and to the third dimension (personal obstacles) according to the educational qualification variable in favor of the university degree.
3-There are no statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the study sample's responses to the first two dimensions of the questionnaire (environmental obstacles) and the second (organizational obstacles) according to the educational qualification variable.
4-There are no statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the study sample's responses to the questionnaire due to the number of years of experience variable.
5 -The research came up with some proposals, including: -Providing material and moral support to kindergarten principals to enroll in training programs and follow training courses in the field of management, especially those that work to develop the creative skills of kindergarten principals -Using technology and developing electronic programs to alleviate the routine burdens that limit principals’ creativity. Kindergartens - Include a practical aspect in the university stage for preparing kindergarten principals to train them in modern methods of management, including administrative creativity.


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How to Cite
نصورر., خضر ن. خ., & Dr. Nayfeh Ali. (2024). Obstacles to applying administrative creativity by kindergarten Principals in Lattakia city from their point of view. Journal of Hama University , 6(21). Retrieved from https://hama-univ.edu.sy/ojs/index.php/huj/article/view/1559