The Social responsibility role in preparation the competitive Strategies In the Banking sector A Field Study in Commercial Banks of Syria

  • Ayham Ahmad جامعة تشرين
الكلمات المفتاحية: Social responsibility, competitive Strategies, Commercial Banks of Syria


This study focuses on the role of social responsibility in preparing marketing strategies in commercial banks of Syria. Where the study dealt with the dimensions of social responsibility in addition to the nature, types and characteristics of marketing strategies.

The researcher conducted an evaluation of the performance of the commercial banks of Syria, in addition to knowing the social responsibility followed and the extent to which the banks adopted it in preparing marketing strategies.

Through personal interviews and distribution of questionnaires to employees, the researcher reached several results, the most important of which is the presence of a positive impact of social responsibility in preparing marketing strategies, In addition, banks have great financial capabilities and depend on a qualified marketing cadre to implement social responsibility in an appropriate and effective manner.

How to Cite
Ahmad , A. (2022). The Social responsibility role in preparation the competitive Strategies In the Banking sector A Field Study in Commercial Banks of Syria. Journal of Hama University , 5(22). Retrieved from