Rules for preparing research manuscript for publication in applied colleges researches
- Title:
It should be brief, clear and expressive of the content of the research. The title font in the publishing writing is bold, (font 14), under which, in a single – spaced line, the name of the researcher (s) is placed, (bold font 12), his address, his scientific status, the scientific institution in which he works, the email address of the first researcher, mobile number, (normal/ font 12). The title of the research should be repeated again in English on the page containing the Abstract. The font of secondary headings should be (bold/ font 12), and the style of text should be (normal/ font 12).
- Abstract or Summary:
The abstract should not exceed 250 words, be preceded by the title, placed on a separate page in Arabic, and written in a separate second page in English. It should include the objectives of the study, a brief description of the method of work, the results obtained, its importance from the researcher's point of view, and the conclusion reached by the researcher.
- Introduction :
It includes a summary of the reference study of the subject of the research, incorporating the latest information, and the purpose for which the research was conducted.
- Materials and methods of research:
Adequate information about work materials and methods is mentioned, adequate modern resources are included, metric and global measurement units are used in the research. The statistical program and the statistical method used in the analysis of the data are mentioned, as well as, the identification of symbols, abbreviations and statistical signs approved for comparison.
- Results and discussion :
They should be presented accurately, all results must be supported by numbers, and the figures, tables and graphs should give adequate information. The information should not be repeated in the research text. It should be numbered as it appears on the research text. The scientific importance of the results should be referred to, discussed and supported by up-to-date resources. The discussion includes the interpretation of the results obtained through the relevant facts and principles, and the degree of agreement or disagreement with the previous studies should be shown with the researchers' opinion and personal interpretation of the outcome.
- Conclusions:
The researcher mentions the conclusions he reached briefly at the end of the discussion, adding his recommendations and proposals when necessary.
- Thanks and acknowledgement:
The researcher can mention the support agencies that provided the financial and scientific assistance, and the persons who helped in the research but were not listed as researchers.
Second- Tables:
Each table, however small, is placed in its own place. The tables take serial numbers, each with its own title, written at the top of the table, the symbols *, ** and *** are used to denote the significance of statistical analysis at levels 0.05, 0.01, or 0.001 respectively, and do not use these symbols to refer to any footnote or note in any of the search margins. The journal recommends using Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3 ......) in the tables and in the body of the text wherever they appear.
Third- Figures, illustration and maps:
It is necessary to avoid the repetition of the figures derived from the data contained in the approved tables, either insert the numerical data in tables, or graphically, with emphasis on preparing the figures, graphs and pictures in their final shapes, and in appropriate scale and be scanned accurately at 300 pixels / inch. Figures or images must be black and white with enough color contrast, and the journal can publish color pictures if necessary, and give a special title for each shape or picture or figure at the bottom and they can take serial numbers.
- Fourth- References:
The journal follows the method of writing the name of the author - the researcher - and the year of publication, within the text from right to left, whatever the reference is, for example: Waged Nageh and Abdul Karim (1990), Basem and Samer (1998). Many studies indicate (Sing, 2008; Hunter and John, 2000; Sabaa et al., 2003). There is no need to give the references serial numbers. But, when writing the Arabic references, write the researcher's (surname), and then, the first name completely. If the reference is more than one researcher, the names of all researchers should be written in the above mentioned manner. If the reference is non-Arabic, first write the surname, then mention the first letter or the first letters of its name, followed by the year of publication in brackets, then the full title of the reference, the title of the journal (journal, author, publisher), the volume, number and page numbers (from - to), taking into account the provisions of the punctuation according to the following examples:
العوف، عبد الرحمن و الكزبري، أحمد (1999). التنوع الحيوي في جبل البشري. مجلة جامعة دمشق للعلوم الزراعية، 15:(3) 33-45.
Smith, J., Merilan, M.R., and Fakher, N.S., (1996). Factors affecting milk production in Awassi sheep. J. Animal Production, 12(3):35-46.
If the reference is a book: the surname of the author and then the first letters of his name, the year in brackets, the title of the book, the edition, the place of publication, the publisher and the number of pages shall be included as in the following example:
Ingrkam, J.L., and Ingrahan, C.A., (2000). Introduction In: Text of Microbiology. 2nd ed. Anstratia, Brooks Co. Thompson Learning, PP: 55.
If the research or chapter of a specialized book (as well as the case of Proceedings), scientific seminars and conferences), the name of the researcher or author (researchers or authors) and the year in brackets, the title of the chapter, the title of the book, the name(s) of editor (s), publisher and place of publication and page number as follows:
Anderson, R.M., (1998). Epidemiology of parasitic Infections. In : Topley and Wilsons Infections. Collier, L., Balows, A., and Jassman, M., (Eds.), Vol. 5, 9th ed. Arnold a Member of the Hodder Group, London, PP: 39-55.
If the reference is a master's dissertation or a doctoral thesis, it is written like the following example:
Kashifalkitaa, H.F., (2008). Effect of bromocriptine and dexamethasone administration on semen characteristics and certain hormones in local male goats. PhD Thesis, College of veterinary Medecine, University of Baghdad, PP: 87-105.
- The following points are noted:
- The Arabic and foreign references are listed separately according to the sequence of the alphabets (أ، ب، جـ) or (A, B, C).
- If more than one reference of one author is found, it is used in chronological order; the newest and then the earliest. If the name is repeated more than once in the same year, it is referred to after the year in letters a, b, c as (1998)a or (1998)b… etc.
- Full references must be made to all that is indicated in the text, and no reference should be mentioned in case it is not mentioned in the body of the text.
- Reliance, to a minimum extent, on references which are not well-known, or direct personal communication, or works that are unpublished in the text in brackets.
- The researcher must be committed to the ethics of academic publishing, and preserve the intellectual property rights of others.