The degree of availability of Analytical Thinking Skills among a Sample of fourth grade pupils in Science and its relationship to some variables "A Field study in Schools of Jableh city"

"A Field study in Schools of Jableh city"

  • Dr. Madar Jaodat Essa جامعة تشرين
الكلمات المفتاحية: Analytical Thinking Skills, Fourth Grade, Science


This current research aimed at identifying the degree of availability of Analytical Thinking Skills Among  fourth grade pupils in science in the schools of Jableh City, and relationship to the mother’s work variable (She works, She doesn’t work).

The descriptive method was used, and the search tool was a test of  Analytical Thinking Skills in Science that prepared by the researcher. The research sample consisted of (368) pupils of  fourth grade in schools of Jableh City.

The research  results showed that the degree of availability of Analytical Thinking Skills among the research sample was average on the whole test. and on the level Ordering Identifying Attributes or Features, Identifying properties, Approximation the Similar and the Different, Comparing / Contrast, Grouping/ Tab, Classifying, Ordering and Setting Priorities and Making Sequences, Identifying Relationship, Identifying Cause and Effect. While the degree of observation skill among the members of the research sample was higher than the average, and lower than the average in the two skills of Establishing Criteria and Predicting/ Anticipation. The results also Revealed that mother’s work contributes negatively to pupils’ possession of Analytical Thinking Skills in Science at the test level as a whole and some of its sub- skills.

Based on the research results, the researcher presented a set of recommendations, the most important of which

Training the basic education teachers before and during service to use educational methods and strategies that aim to raise the level of students’ analytical thinking skills in general, and skills of predicting and Establishing Criteria in particular.


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Department of Education