مقارنة بين طريقتين لتحديد طول القناة الجذرية في الأسنان المؤقتة
مقارنة بين طريقتين لتحديد طول القناة الجذرية في الأسنان المؤقتة

الكلمات المفتاحية

محدد الذروة الالكتروني ــ الأسنان المؤقتة– تحديد طول القناة الجذرية

كيفية الاقتباس

قبشخ. (2022). مقارنة بين طريقتين لتحديد طول القناة الجذرية في الأسنان المؤقتة. مجلة جامعة حماة, 5(18). استرجع في من https://hama-univ.edu.sy/ojs/index.php/huj/article/view/727


الهدف من البحث:الهدف من هذه الدراسة المخبرية هو المقارنة بين تحديد طول القناة الجذرية بواسطة محدد الذروة الإلكتروني (EAL) والتصوير الشعاعي التقليدي، ثم مقارنتها بالقياسات الحقيقية التي تم الحصول عليها عن طريق الرؤية المباشرة.

المواد والطرائق: تم اختيار 100سن مؤقت مقلوعة بسبب نخر أو رض أو القلع الدوري وتم ترقيم الأسنان وتحديد طول القناة الجذرية بالطرق البصرية والإلكترونية والشعاعية، وتم تسجيل كل هذه القياسات ومقارنتها مع بعضها.النتائج: كانت دقة محدد الذروة الالكتروني وطرق التصوير الشعاعي في تحديد طول القناة الجذرية 94% و74% على التوالي ضمن±0.5مم.

مقارنة بين طريقتين لتحديد طول القناة الجذرية في الأسنان المؤقتة


ANGWARAVONG, O. & PANITVISAI, P. 2009. Accuracy of an electronic apex locator in primary teeth with root resorption. International endodontic journal, 42, 115-121.
BALDI, J. V., VICTORINO, F. R., BERNARDES, R. A., DE MORAES, I. G., BRAMANTE, C. M., GARCIA, R. B. & BERNARDINELI, N. 2007. Influence of embedding media on the assessment of electronic apex locators. Journal of endodontics, 33, 476-479.
BERNARDES, R. A., DUARTE, M. A., VASCONCELOS, B. C., MORAES, I. G., BERNARDINELI, N., GARCIA, R. B., BALDI, J. V., VICTORINO, F. R. & BRAMANTE, C. M. 2007. Evaluation of precision of length determination with 3 electronic apex locators: Root ZX, Elements Diagnostic Unit and Apex Locator, and RomiAPEX D-30. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology, 104, e91-e94.
BODUR, H., ODABAŞ, M., TULUNOĞLU, Ö. & TINAZ, A. C. 2008. Accuracy of two different apex locators in primary teeth with and without root resorption. Clinical Oral Investigations, 12, 137-141.
BRUNTON, P. A., ABDEEN, D. & MACFARLANE, T. V. 2002. The effect of an apex locator on exposure to radiation during endodontic therapy. Journal of Endodontics, 28, 524-526.
D’ASSUNCãO, F. L. C., DE ALBUQUERQUE, D. S., SALAZAR-SILVA, J. R., DE QUEIROZ FERREIRA, L. C. & BEZERRA, P. M. 2007. The accuracy of root canal measurements using the Mini Apex Locator and Root ZX-II: an evaluation in vitro. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology, 104, e50-e53.
DANDASHI, M. B., NAZIF, M. M., ZULLO, T., ELLIOTT, M. A., SCHNEIDER, L. G. & CZONSTKOWSKY, M. 1993. An in vitro comparison of three endodontic techniques for primary incisors. Pediatric dentistry, 15, 253-253.
EHSAN, S. 2011. Comparative role of radiographs and electronic apex locator in working length determination. Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal, 31.
ELAYOUTI, A., WEIGER, R. & LöST, C. 2002. The ability of root ZX apex locator to reduce the frequency of overestimated radiographic working length. Journal of endodontics, 28, 116-119.
FUKS, A. & EIDELMAN, E. 1991. Pulp therapy in the primary dentition. Current opinion in dentistry, 1, 556-563.
HASSANIEN, E. E., HASHEM, A. & CHALFIN, H. 2008. Histomorphometric study of the root apex of mandibular premolar teeth: an attempt to correlate working length measured with electronic and radiograph methods to various anatomic positions in the apical portion of the canal. Journal of endodontics, 34, 408-412.
HERRERA, M., ÁBALOS, C., PLANAS, A. J. & LLAMAS, R. 2007. Influence of apical constriction diameter on Root ZX apex locator precision. Journal of endodontics, 33, 995-998.
HUANG, L. 1987. An experimental study of the principle of electronic root canal measurement. Journal of endodontics, 13, 60-64.
JENKINS, J. A., WALKER III, W. A., SCHINDLER, W. G. & FLORES, C. M. 2001. An in vitro evaluation of the accuracy of the root ZX in the presence of various irrigants. Journal of Endodontics, 27, 209-211.
KAUFMAN, A., KEILA, S. & YOSHPE, M. 2002. Accuracy of a new apex locator: an in vitro study. International endodontic journal, 35, 186-192.
KIELBASSA, A. M., MULLER, U., MUNZ, I. & MONTING, J. S. 2003. Clinical evaluation of the measuring accuracy of ROOT ZX in primary teeth. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology, 95, 94-100.
LEONARDO, M. R., SILVA, L. A. B. D., NELSON-FILHO, P., SILVA, R. A. B. D. & LUCISANO, M. P. 2009. Ex vivo accuracy of an apex locator using digital signal processing in primary teeth. Pediatric dentistry, 31, 320-322.
MENTE, J., SEIDEL, J., BUCHALLA, W. & KOCH, M. 2002. Electronic determination of root canal length in primary teeth with and without root resorption. International Endodontic Journal, 35, 447-452.
MOHAMMED, A. G. 2009. An in vitro comparison of root canal length measurements in primary teeth. Al-Rafidain Dental Journal, 9, 77-82.
NEENA, I., ANANTHRAJ, A., PRAVEEN, P., KARTHIK, V. & RANI, P. 2011. Comparison of digital radiography and apex locator with the conventional method in root length determination of primary teeth. Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, 29, 300.
NEKOOFAR, M., GHANDI, M., HAYES, S. & DUMMER, P. 2006. The fundamental operating principles of electronic root canal length measurement devices. International Endodontic Journal, 39, 595-609.
PLOTINO, G., GRANDE, N., BRIGANTE, L., LESTI, B. & SOMMA, F. 2006. Ex vivo accuracy of three electronic apex locators: Root ZX, Elements Diagnostic Unit and Apex Locator and ProPex. International Endodontic Journal, 39, 408-414.
SAITO, T. & YAMASHITA, Y. 1990. Electronic determination of root canal length by newly developed measuring device. Influences of the diameter of apical foramen, the size of K-file and the root canal irrigants. Dentistry in Japan, 27, 65-72.
SANTOS, L. D. M. S. & DOS REIS, J. I. L. 2009. Comparative analysis of the electronic and radiographic determination of root canal length of primary molars–an ex vivo study. Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences, 8, 189-192.
SHABAHANG, S., GOON, W. W. & GLUSKIN, A. H. 1996. An in vivo evaluation of Root ZX electronic apex locator. Journal of Endodontics, 22, 616-618.
SHANMUGARAJ, M., NIVEDHA, R., MATHAN, R. & BALAGOPAL, S. 2007. Evaluation of working length determination methods: An in vivo/ex vivo study. Indian journal of dental research, 18, 60.
TAKUSHIGE, T., CRUZ, E., ASGOR MORAL, A. & HOSHINO, E. 2004. Endodontic treatment of primary teeth using a combination of antibacterial drugs. International endodontic journal, 37, 132-138.
ANGWARAVONG, O. & PANITVISAI, P. 2009. Accuracy of an electronic apex locator in primary teeth with root resorption. International endodontic journal, 42, 115-121.
BALDI, J. V., VICTORINO, F. R., BERNARDES, R. A., DE MORAES, I. G., BRAMANTE, C. M., GARCIA, R. B. & BERNARDINELI, N. 2007. Influence of embedding media on the assessment of electronic apex locators. Journal of endodontics, 33, 476-479.
BERNARDES, R. A., DUARTE, M. A., VASCONCELOS, B. C., MORAES, I. G., BERNARDINELI, N., GARCIA, R. B., BALDI, J. V., VICTORINO, F. R. & BRAMANTE, C. M. 2007. Evaluation of precision of length determination with 3 electronic apex locators: Root ZX, Elements Diagnostic Unit and Apex Locator, and RomiAPEX D-30. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology, 104, e91-e94.
BODUR, H., ODABAŞ, M., TULUNOĞLU, Ö. & TINAZ, A. C. 2008. Accuracy of two different apex locators in primary teeth with and without root resorption. Clinical Oral Investigations, 12, 137-141.
BRUNTON, P. A., ABDEEN, D. & MACFARLANE, T. V. 2002. The effect of an apex locator on exposure to radiation during endodontic therapy. Journal of Endodontics, 28, 524-526.
D’ASSUNCãO, F. L. C., DE ALBUQUERQUE, D. S., SALAZAR-SILVA, J. R., DE QUEIROZ FERREIRA, L. C. & BEZERRA, P. M. 2007. The accuracy of root canal measurements using the Mini Apex Locator and Root ZX-II: an evaluation in vitro. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology, 104, e50-e53.
DANDASHI, M. B., NAZIF, M. M., ZULLO, T., ELLIOTT, M. A., SCHNEIDER, L. G. & CZONSTKOWSKY, M. 1993. An in vitro comparison of three endodontic techniques for primary incisors. Pediatric dentistry, 15, 253-253.
EHSAN, S. 2011. Comparative role of radiographs and electronic apex locator in working length determination. Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal, 31.
ELAYOUTI, A., WEIGER, R. & LöST, C. 2002. The ability of root ZX apex locator to reduce the frequency of overestimated radiographic working length. Journal of endodontics, 28, 116-119.
FUKS, A. & EIDELMAN, E. 1991. Pulp therapy in the primary dentition. Current opinion in dentistry, 1, 556-563.
HASSANIEN, E. E., HASHEM, A. & CHALFIN, H. 2008. Histomorphometric study of the root apex of mandibular premolar teeth: an attempt to correlate working length measured with electronic and radiograph methods to various anatomic positions in the apical portion of the canal. Journal of endodontics, 34, 408-412.
HERRERA, M., ÁBALOS, C., PLANAS, A. J. & LLAMAS, R. 2007. Influence of apical constriction diameter on Root ZX apex locator precision. Journal of endodontics, 33, 995-998.
HUANG, L. 1987. An experimental study of the principle of electronic root canal measurement. Journal of endodontics, 13, 60-64.
JENKINS, J. A., WALKER III, W. A., SCHINDLER, W. G. & FLORES, C. M. 2001. An in vitro evaluation of the accuracy of the root ZX in the presence of various irrigants. Journal of Endodontics, 27, 209-211.
KAUFMAN, A., KEILA, S. & YOSHPE, M. 2002. Accuracy of a new apex locator: an in vitro study. International endodontic journal, 35, 186-192.
KIELBASSA, A. M., MULLER, U., MUNZ, I. & MONTING, J. S. 2003. Clinical evaluation of the measuring accuracy of ROOT ZX in primary teeth. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology, 95, 94-100.
LEONARDO, M. R., SILVA, L. A. B. D., NELSON-FILHO, P., SILVA, R. A. B. D. & LUCISANO, M. P. 2009. Ex vivo accuracy of an apex locator using digital signal processing in primary teeth. Pediatric dentistry, 31, 320-322.
MENTE, J., SEIDEL, J., BUCHALLA, W. & KOCH, M. 2002. Electronic determination of root canal length in primary teeth with and without root resorption. International Endodontic Journal, 35, 447-452.
MOHAMMED, A. G. 2009. An in vitro comparison of root canal length measurements in primary teeth. Al-Rafidain Dental Journal, 9, 77-82.
NEENA, I., ANANTHRAJ, A., PRAVEEN, P., KARTHIK, V. & RANI, P. 2011. Comparison of digital radiography and apex locator with the conventional method in root length determination of primary teeth. Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, 29, 300.
NEKOOFAR, M., GHANDI, M., HAYES, S. & DUMMER, P. 2006. The fundamental operating principles of electronic root canal length measurement devices. International Endodontic Journal, 39, 595-609.
PLOTINO, G., GRANDE, N., BRIGANTE, L., LESTI, B. & SOMMA, F. 2006. Ex vivo accuracy of three electronic apex locators: Root ZX, Elements Diagnostic Unit and Apex Locator and ProPex. International Endodontic Journal, 39, 408-414.
SAITO, T. & YAMASHITA, Y. 1990. Electronic determination of root canal length by newly developed measuring device. Influences of the diameter of apical foramen, the size of K-file and the root canal irrigants. Dentistry in Japan, 27, 65-72.
SANTOS, L. D. M. S. & DOS REIS, J. I. L. 2009. Comparative analysis of the electronic and radiographic determination of root canal length of primary molars–an ex vivo study. Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences, 8, 189-192.
SHABAHANG, S., GOON, W. W. & GLUSKIN, A. H. 1996. An in vivo evaluation of Root ZX electronic apex locator. Journal of Endodontics, 22, 616-618.
SHANMUGARAJ, M., NIVEDHA, R., MATHAN, R. & BALAGOPAL, S. 2007. Evaluation of working length determination methods: An in vivo/ex vivo study. Indian journal of dental research, 18, 60.
TAKUSHIGE, T., CRUZ, E., ASGOR MORAL, A. & HOSHINO, E. 2004. Endodontic treatment of primary teeth using a combination of antibacterial drugs. International endodontic journal, 37, 132-138.